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VTel Internet customer email is protected by Red Condor spam and virus filtering. This system eliminates spam and virus both entering and leaving the VTel Internet servers. This protects your inbox and keeps other Internet Service Providers from blocking our network and disrupting your email.
Mail sent to you will be automatically filtered before it arrives in your inbox and the spam will be stored in an online quarantine. You can safely view your quarantine anytime you like without risk from fraudulent and dangerous email.
Spam samples sent to as RFC-2822 attachments will be automatically processed by Red Condor. You won’t receive any feedback for emails sent to, but rest assured we will evaluate them to make our filtering as accurate as possible.
The easiest way to report spam to Red Condor is to download our Report Spam Outlook Toolbar and you can just click a button in the rare instance any spam leaks through.
With other email clients, use the option ‘Forward as Attachment’.
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